Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart. Drunvalo Melchizedek

Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart
ISBN: 1891824430,9781891824432 | 64 pages | 2 Mb

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Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart Drunvalo Melchizedek

I have nursed so many through the transition of passing and each time my heart expands with love and compassion for all living beings. It was like a tremor, emanating from deep inside her body and reverberating sounds of true joy and complete contentment. Photo credit to NASA, JPL-Caltech, Spitzer Space Telescope). Dear Ones, be a powerful teacher. Our heart-center is that space within our spirit that feels like HOME…that space that exists outside of rational reasonings and holds only Sacred Boundless Truth and Love!! Allow it to flow IN to your heart center…re-energizing any dormant energies that may be there. This proved fleeting as the vet entered the room and slapped the dark x-rays on the viewing board. The chest x-ray showed a massive amount of fluid in both lungs and a tumor in her left lung. At the same time, your thoughts, actions, prayers and balanced energy will provide a structure for the New Earth lifestyle of Heart-Centered Action. I love the brilliance of these ancient stories; hidden within their simple and sometimes stark violence can be found great insights into our human heart. Together you enter the temples of the heart to join the Divine Multitudes of Grace awaiting you. In the sacred place within your being, your new life begins as you bring Spirit into matter and sanctify your life. To some this may With each deep breath in…see the energy entering into your form as the breath of LIFE!! This was causing her heart to work As I shoveled the dirt into this sacred space, I thanked Kiki for all the joy and happiness she had brought to my life. In that space we know PEACE…we know Divine Order…and we know Unconditional LOVE!!

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